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Inside these cells, AAS can biotransform into different metabolites or bind to their cognate receptor the androgen receptor, testosteron öka. In January 2013, three new LTMs for dehydrochloromethyltestosterone were implemented in the screening procedures of the Cologne laboratory see table 1. This led to an increase of AAFs from an annual average number of 1 82 cases in the first 11 months of 2013 figure 3. Only one or two of these 82 cases would have been detected with the methods used till the end of 2012 in the Cologne laboratory. Recent methods for the prolonged detection of exogenous AAS by the combination of the implementation of LTMs in screening procedures and the use of sensitive mass spectrometric methods. Exogenous AAS LTMs References Metandienone 18-nor-17-hydroxymethyl,17?-methyl-androst-1,4,13-trien-3-one 18-nor-17?-hydroxymethyl,17?-methyl-androst-1,4,13-trien-3-one-sulfate 10, 59, 60 Oxandrolone 17?-hydroxymethyl-17?-methyl-18-nor-2-oxa-5?-androsta-13-en-3-one 17?-hydroxymethyl-17?-methyl-18-nor-2-oxa-5?-androsta-13-en-3-one., .

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The brand name and trade name for this Anabolic steroid is called Parabolan, testosteron öka. Isotretinoine is sometimes used to treat acne. Sildenafil or other phosphodiesterase inhibitors are used to improve erectile function. Diuretics are typically used by competitive bodybuilders days before a contest to reduce body water and improve muscle definition. What are side effects of AAS and when should I suspect AAS abuse, ..


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